Kedro newsletter — 5 min read

In the pipeline: February 2024

From the latest news to upcoming events and interesting topics, “In the Pipeline” is overflowing with updates for the Kedro community.

7 Feb 2024 (last updated 7 Feb 2024)
In the pipeline

Release news

There have been some exciting releases of Kedro projects recently.

December 2023 saw the Kedro 0.19.0 and Kedro 0.19.1 releases hit the streets. Full information in the blog post we wrote to explore the 0.19 release, but here are the main headlines:

  • We dropped Python 3.7 support.

  • We added the  --conf-source option to  %reload_kedro to enable users to specify a source for project configuration.

  • We added validation for the configuration file used to override run commands via the CLI.

  • We decoupled the configuration loader to enable you to use it independently of a Kedro class. We did this by moving the definition of the default environments (base and local) from the config loader to the _ProjectSettings.

  • We enhanced the documentation with a new top-level navigation to easily switch between KedroKedro Viz, and Kedro-Datasets documentation, and a new search-as-you-type to improve the search experience.

Kedro 0.19.x is contains some breaking changes, so if you’re upgrading from 0.18.x you should take a look at the new migration guide in the documentation.

Alongside the Kedro framework release, the team also put out a Kedro-Viz 7.0.0 release (followed in January 2024 by Kedro-Viz 7.1.0) and a set of Kedro plugins releases (kedro-datasets 2.0.0, kedro-telemetry 0.3.1, kedro-airflow 0.8.0, and kedro-docker 0.5.0).

📣 Coming soon! We plan to hold an online community update session this month to discuss the release in more detail. Look out for details in the coming weeks!

Contributor news

Here in the Kedro team at QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, we are pleased to welcome Elijah Ko.

We were also thrilled to hear that Claypot AI is joining Voltron Data, which means that Deepyaman Datta, a long-time contributor to Kedro and part of the TSC, will now represent Voltron Data in the committee. We published his first blog post “Building scalable data pipelines with Kedro and Ibis” on the Kedro blog earlier this month and hope to see many more to come!

Thank you to all our contributors for helping us reach the Kedro 0.19 release milestone, and in the period since, for recent contributions from MosaicMan and sbrugman.

Recently on the Kedro blog

Learn Kedro with these videos

You may have seen our recent blog post announcing our video course to teach you, hands-on, how to get up and running with Kedro. It’s structured in five parts, and each part is divided in short videos of 3 to 8 minutes that cover a specific part of the Kedro learning path. It is based on the spaceflights tutorial, so you can use the documentation as supporting material while watching the course.

Introduction to Kedro: Building Maintainable Data Pipelines

Last month, Juan Luis from QuantumBlack, AI by Mckinsey, gave a talk at PyData Milan called “Who needs ChatGPT? Rock solid AI pipelines with Hugging Face and Kedro”. A video of the session is online, and explains how to create a complex AI pipeline using Hugging Face transformers, turn it into a Kedro project that cleanly separates code from configuration and data, and deploy it to production so it starts delivering value.

If you make a video about Kedro, or likewise write an article, or record a podcast, let us know about on Slack, and add it to the “Awesome Kedro” repository so others can find it!

That’s it for this edition!

Don’t forget that we also make regular updates on the Kedro LinkedIn channel, on our Mastodon ( and through our popular Slack community. Keep an eye on the QuantumBlack LinkedIn feed too!

You can bookmark this blog or add our RSS feed to your favorite reader to stay in the loop and join us next month for another update from the Kedro team.

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Photo of Jo Stichbury
Jo Stichbury
Technical Writer, QuantumBlack
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